Become a Member
Membership procedure of CIFA is simple and straight forward. Please fill and submit the application form for Natural or Legal Person depending on your needs. Your attention however is drawn on the fact that, registration of a legal entity, entitles natural qualified persons working in the entity to register with no extra charge, as provided in articles 4 and 5 of the CIFA Constitution.


There is no more significant benefit than being a member of Cyprus’ fund industry’s only recognized body. CIFA has built strong relations and connections with regulators and policymakers both in Cyprus and the EU, and can promote members’ views and opinions where necessary

CIFA’s members have the opportunity to participate in events, seminars, and conferences, gaining insights and connecting with other protagonists of the sector, potential customers, regulators, and policymakers.

By ensuring in-depth knowledge of all industry developments, our members enjoy regular updates on technical and regulatory issues.

Continuous professional development is of great essence for CIFA, and we support our members’ efforts in that direction through seminars and customized workshops.
Application Forms
Members Directory